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主讲人:丁成日 教授

时 间:2014年10月14日(周二)上午9:30

地  点:教学楼C102

主讲人简介:Dr. Chengri Ding is Professor at Urban Studies and Planning Program and National Center for Smart Growth, University of Maryland. He is specialized at urban economics, urban and land policies, urban planning, and China studies. He has published articles in Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Regional Science, Urban Studies, Environment and Planning B, Housing Policy Debates, Land Use Policy.  He has edited three books on China in land and housing policies, urbanization, and smart growth. Dr. Ding also has numerous publications in Chinese (manuscripts and journal articles). He has been P.I. for many international policy projects on China, ranging urban master plan, farmland protection, property taxation reform and local public financing.  Reports and publications have been widely received among both high level officials and scholars. Dr. Ding has given 50+ invited or keynote speeches/presentations. He has been consulting to the World Bank, Global Business Network, FAO, and many leading Chinese agencies such as NDRC.  He serves advisory Board for the International Institute of Property Taxation. Dr. Ding is the founding director for the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy’s China Program.




地址:中国·浙江省杭州市下沙高教园区学源街18号 邮编:310018

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